We identified unique common characteristics of spore-forming bacteria that have serious implications for human health allowing us to identify these bacteria as an independent element named “Sporobiota”
- Members of sporobiota form spores that are highly resistant to numerous environmental challenges and are insensitive to antibiotic exposure and the host immune defense system.
- Due to this infections caused by sporeforming bacteria share similar characteristics, such as persistence, chronicity and relapses.
- Members of Sporobiota are highly transmissible, and disseminate through host-to-host (including patient-to-patient) transmission, and from the outer environment (including medical surroundings) to humans.
- Members of Sporobiota harbor multiple antibiotic resistance genes that are localized within the specific elements responsible for transferring and thus facilitating the spread of antibiotic resistance.
- SPOROBIOTA – Specifically influenced by natural selection
- SPOROBIOTA – Have an individual arrangement for fitness costs of antibiotic resistance
- SPOROBIOTA – Resistant to various physico-chemical treatments, including antibiotics
- SPOROBIOTA – Have strong binding properties
- SPOROBIOTA – Highly transmissible
- SPOROBIOTA – Implicated in the spread of antibiotic resistance
- SPOROBIOTA – Infections caused by sporeforming bacteria share similar characteristics: persistence, chronicity, relapses
We try to make our data available to the whole scientific community. The HMI welcomes collaborative studies to unravel the pathogenesis of human diseases associated with the microbiota. However, we ask that you respect the rights of first publication and cite our work as follows: