Bacillus sp. nov. VT 712

Whole genome sequence of Bacillus sp. VT 712

Description Bacillus sp. VT 712
GenbankBioProject PRJNA315728
GenbankBioSample SAMN04569293
Taxonomy ID 4569293
GenomeSize 3,921,583bp
Sequencing IlluminaMiSeqHiSeq 2500
Coverage 250X
G+C content 37.9%.
Sequenceannotation NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline | RAST
Protein-coding sequences 3,768
RNA genes 163
tRNAs 99
rRNAs 59
ncRNA 5

Tetz G, Tetz V. 2016. Complete genome sequence of a novel Bacillus sp. VT 712 strain isolated from the duodenum of a patient with intestinal cancer. Genome Announc 4(4):e00786-16. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00786-16.

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Complete Genome Sequence of a Novel Bacillus sp. VT 712 Strain Isolated from the Duodenum of a Patient with Intestinal Cancer

Publication Type Journal Article
Authors George Tetz
Victor Tetz
Abstract We report here the complete genome sequence of the spore-forming Bacillus sp. strain VT 712 isolated from the duodenum of a patient with intestinal cancer. The genome is 3,921,583 bp, with 37.9% GC content. It contains 3,768 predicted protein-coding genes for multidrug resistance transporters, virulence factors, and daunorubicin resistance.
Year of Publication 2016
Journal Genomeannouncements
DOI 10.1128/genomeA.00786-16

Sequence data can be used to Define:

  1. Role of Bacillus sp. VT 712 in human pathologies
  2. Role of Bacillus sp. VT 712 in Microbiota Diseases
  3. Phylogenetic andtaxonomyanalysis
  4. Role of Bacillus sp. VT 712 in resistome
  5. Role of Bacillus sp. VT 712 in the distribution of virulence genes