Spread of Antibiotic Resistance

Key antibiotic resistance genes in the Bacillus sp.712  genome

Numberofgenes Function
143  ABC transporterpermeases
21 Multidrug ABC transporter
4 MATE transporters
1 Fosmidomycin resistanceprotein
1 Fosfomycin resistance proteinFosB
1 Bacitracinresistance
1 TelluriteresistanceproteinTelA
1 Beta-lactamase A
1 Vancomycin resistance gene  VanB
1 Vancomycin resistance gene  VanW
1 Vancomycin resistance gene  VanZ
1 Tetracycline resistance gene  TetA
1 Copper resistance gene
1 Organic hydroperoxide resistance gene  OhrA

Genomic analysis revealed that Bacillus sp. VT-712 harbors numerous antibiotic resistance genes that catalyze uptake, efflux, diffusion, solute exchange, and other mechanisms of bacterial defense against antibiotics.